Video - Rick, I Just Want to Make Money Online I Don't Want a Website Can You Help Me?

Yes! I can help you make a passive income online without a website. Here's what I'll do so you DON'T have to work from home.

Now back to your regularly scheduled how to make money online to get a passive income program....

I was speaking with the spouse of a military man

A friend of mine and great teacher told me she was moving. I knew I could help her get an income from an online system that I developed and now manage for people. God's timing. I recently launched this and made it available to the public. The advantage she saw of an online business was it could be run anywhere. You don't have to start over every time you move.

Why you don't hear about my passive method for making money online....

Because I wrote the program! Rick Kirkham’s On-Topic Monetized Breaking News Online Service.

You just watched the video, but now I'll set this up so you don't have to sign up for website hosting. The problem I see with some of you doing that is you don't know what you're doing. No offense. I may need to help you find a category of affiliate products from either Digitstore24, Clickbank or another affiliate management company.

I may also need to pick a proper keyworded domain, which is a website address, for you. Don't worry you don't need a website, but this simply doesn't work as well with Google and other search engines without a domain getting regular on-topic content from my on-topic, monetized breaking news program.

You have the option for a blog, which I will install for you up to, but not including the first post, unless you've ordered the service to manage your website completely.

If you're just starting out I really don't think you need that. Just my automated on-topic, monetized content automatically going to social media and Blogger, which is a blog owned by Google. There's an old saying, "Google loves Google."

Rick, what's the main way I'll be making money from Rick Kirkham’s On-Topic Monetized Breaking News Online Service?

Most of the monetized links are from affiliate marketing. I'll setup three different special links and text to add to your breaking news pages. You'll make a commission whenever someone orders a product or service. The products and services will naturally be related to the news topics thus people will already have an interest in them.

Be sure to watch the video

It will answer a lot of your questions.

Questions even after watching the video?

No problem email me, Rick Kirkham at

Anywhere in the U.S.A. Text me, Rick Kirkham at 808.224.1870. Text only please due to time differences.

What is my investment Rick?

For beginners who don't need me to manage a blog for you, I recommend the Automated Marketing Package for only $49.00 per month.

With the Automated Marketing Package, you get

  • Your own domain name (website address)

  • Rick Kirkham’s On-Topic Monetized Breaking News Online Service

  • A discussion system at the bottom of each breaking news web page. This increases the time people spend on your website. The search engines such as Google believe that's important. It also increases stickiness which is guests returning to your web page to continue in a conversation. Returning visits increase sales and your search engine ranking.

  • ME! To set it up DFY Done For You. While you continue with your busy life, a client of BusyBusinessHosting :-)

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Rick Kirkham's Breaking News Online Service

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